Mobile Blazor Binding and Xamarin

Stay tuned for a new tutorial on how to create mobile applications with Blazor. As part of a great initiative of the Xamarin community in Spanish, on December 9 we will be creating a sample project from scratch. If you want to learn more about this event check the link below.

And don’t forget you can switch languages at the top of my blog . Blazor out!

Caribbean Developers Conference ??

“He is talking again about conferences. Yeah, Yeah, we know, they are great.”

Well, before you run away, hear me out. This time I have a different point. Yes conferences are great and CDC is one of my favorites but what no one talk about is, they are a lot of work for the organizers.

I had the opportunity to be part of the staff of CDC 2019 and  I have to give a big shout out to the Megsoft team for all their hard work  and for making this event possible.

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ReactiveUI + Xamarin Forms + Prism

If you guys have not use this combination I strongly suggest to give it a try. Prism handles navigation like a boss, ReactiveUI makes your code readable that you will comeback 6 months from today and you will still be able to pick it up fairly quickly (that is not the only reason of course but one of the most appealing for me) and Xamarin Forms (no need for introductions here).

If you have never used Prism or ReactiveUI I recommend:

Prism in Xamarin Forms Step by Step by Xamgirl.


You, I, and ReactiveUI by Kent Boogaart.

Now, How do we use them together?

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XAF to Xamarin Teaser

I know I still owe you guys the complete article about the XAF POS Teaser but I could not help it. Here is a quick XAF to Xamarin Teaser.


  • ORM in NET Standard library to share between XAF and Xamarin.
  • Custom IDataStore Implementation in ASP.Net Core Web API.
  • Shared Authentication between XAF and Xamarin
  • Support for Direct SQL Queries with XPO
  • Win, Web, Android, iOS, UWP. (UNO coming soon)
  • Using Syncfusion Data Grid because DevExpress Data Grid for Xamarin is still not on Nuget. (You can also use a ListView,  CollectionView, etc)
  • Not showing in the teaser: XAF Reports in Xamarin using Syncfusion PDF Viewer.
  • Not showing in the teaser: Multiple IDataStore implementation to support multiple databases in the same application.

I am really happy about this template. I believe it will save a ton of time. As always feel free to reach out with any question/suggestion or if you are struggling trying to make your XAF project mobile.

Xafmarin out!

CodeRush Shortcuts for XAF, Xamarin, ReactiveUI and Prism

A few months back my great friend Joche Ojeda did  a post on a CodeRush Template for Xamarin forms bindable property and to quote him exactly:

“From time to time I realize that a lot of the stuff I’m writing is repetitive and complex, so that is the perfect time to create a new code rush custom template, behold the new template xfbp (xamarin forms bindable property).”

Well, behold some other templates for XAF, Xamarin, Prism and Reactive UI.

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Xamarin Developer Summit Impressions

Last month,  I was in Houston at the Xamarin Developer Summit, a conference by the community and for the community, and I have to admit it was everything I expected and more. You read blogs about past events (Microsoft Build, Evolve, Ignite) but nothing compare to actually attending one.

It was good to meet a large number of community members that you follow daily on twitter, read their articles and actually ask them anything in person.

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