XAF Blazor UI – While waiting for a feature release.

XAF Blazor UI – where we at right now? What is already released and what is still missing? Is it ready for production?

Those are the most common questions we hear all the time in the community. In our meetup next January 14th 2021 we will dive more in deep in this topic, but again Is it ready for production?

The answer of course is depending on your solution and your requirements, but I can assure you, a lot of us are already using it successfully and giving value to our clients.

This post is just a compilation of workarounds, support center tickets and community work to keep moving while we await for a specific feature to be officially released.

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Creating a Custom Template – XAF with Win, Web and Blazor

The new XAF Blazor UI has all the community going crazy and doing all sort of cool projects. If you have read the XAF Blazor FAQ you know that:

“The wizard does not currently support the capability to add Blazor UI projects to existing XAF applications. To re-use your existing business model, platform-independent controllers and Application Model settings, attach your platform-independent modules to a new Blazor application (Add a Module in Code). Modules should be converted to .NET Standard 2.0. See the following article: How to port an XAF platform-agnostic module to .NET Standard 2.0+.”

There has been a lot of interest in this topic so we decided to create a quick video about having your XAF Win, Web and Blazor in the same solution.

You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5xvMPm0LJI&t=

Now, let’s create a custom template that contains all platform XAF offer us.

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Usando Blazor para crear aplicaciones moviles | Latino .NET Online

Charla en Latino .NET Online Sabado 7 de Diciembre del 2020

Aprendamos como crear aplicaciones móviles nativas e hibridas usando C# y .NET para Android, iOS, Windows y macOS. El proyecto experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings nos permite usar patrones web para definir el UI y el comportamiento de nuestra aplicación y a la vez reusar componentes nativos. Tu equipo prefiere HTML o XAML? No mas debate, pueden usar ambos.

BIING20 – Talk about Technical Debt

Last Friday on November 20th I had the chance to talk about Technical Debt in the IV Bienal internacional de Ingenieria de Sistemas event of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia . We discussed what is Technical Debt, several indicators of Technical Debt and ways to minimize them in your software projects. I personally had a great time interacting and providing real world examples to the students of the System engineering program. Thanks to the University of Colombia for the opportunity and everyone keep tuned for a future workshop together.

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Mobile Blazor Binding and Xamarin

Stay tuned for a new tutorial on how to create mobile applications with Blazor. As part of a great initiative of the Xamarin community in Spanish, on December 9 we will be creating a sample project from scratch. If you want to learn more about this event check the link below.


And don’t forget you can switch languages at the top of my blog . Blazor out!

XAFers Community Standup. UI Customizations

Date and Time: November 12th 2020 10:00 am (GMT -7) Arizona Time

XAF’s PM will answer audience questions

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