DevExpress Dashboards Course – Coming Soon
DEVIntersection Conference 2021
DevExpress Reports Course Draft – Feedback Needed
We are creating a DevExpress XtraReports Course and this is our first draft. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
DevOpsDays Bogota – Configurando el flujo ideal con Github

Noviembre 24 y 25 de 3 a 7 pm Evento ONLINE
DevOpsDays es un evento internacional de conferencias técnicas sobre temas de desarrollo de software, operaciones de TI y la intersección entre ellas.
Regístrate y obtén tu entrada totalmente GRATIS : https://devopsdaysbogota.org/
.NET CONF LATAM 2021 – Migracion de MVC a Blazor paso a paso

MVC sigue siendo lider en aplicaciones web actuales, pero que pasa si quiero empezar a agregar una pizca de Blazor o quizas realizar una migracion completa. En esta charla mostraremos todos los pasos necesarios para esto e incluso como usar ambas tecnologias a la misma vez.
Regístrate aquí : https://latinonet.online/netconflatam/
.NET Conf 2021 – Host, deploy and scale ASP.NET Core Blazor Server


October 30th 2021
– Introduction
– The Interview: We will be discussing Azure, Blazor, DevExpress XAF and more.
– Special Prize Give-A-Way!
– 256 Seconds with dotNetDave
XamExpertDay – Online Talk – MAUI Blazor – One App that runs everywhere

October 1st 2021
Did you know you can now host Blazor components in .NET MAUI apps to build cross-platform native apps? In this introductory session we will cover everything you need to get your app running everywhere. Yes, MAUI Blazor apps can run in Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. If you like Blazor you will love MAUI.
Continue readingAzConf2021 – Online Talk – Host, deploy & scale ASP.NET Core Blazor Server with Azure Signal R Service

Azure Community Conference on 29 – 31, October 2021
Join India’s largest Azure Cloud Conference organized by India Microsoft MVPs and Community enthusiasts. For developers by developers. 250 + international speakers
3 days
10+ Rooms of sessions
Deep Tech
Diversity & Inclusion
Free & Virtual
Awesome Giveaways to be won
Register Here: https://azconf.dev/
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