Xamarin Saturday Impressions

Last week, The Xamarin Saturday took place in Toronto. I was lucky enough to assist and again, the trip from Arizona was worth it every min.

I won’t go too deep in details about the conference because  I believe Andrew Hoefling did a great recap here but at least wanted to put some of my impressions here so I can comeback later and reminisce.

As always, tons of session with great content (streamed live) but most important I got the chance to talk to so many talented people and I even make it on the closure picture.

Nobody can deny it, Xamarin Community is awesome and I am getting addicted to it. I am now always looking for the next conference, meetup or challenge to participate. Maybe UNOConf, Monkey Fest Latam, CDC. Who knows, but for sure this train is not stopping.

I want to thank Daniel Causer for the great talk about supporting the community and Andres Pineda who after his awesome talk about Reactive UI gave me some advice on how to be fit, go to the gym and still be productive as a programmer?. And… I even talked with Allan Ritchie about Cuba.

Well, that is all for now. If you are new to the community, I won’t stop saying this, get involved. Thanks me later.

Below is a small impression about the conference :

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