XAF Web Multiple Files Upload


Reading the support tickets daily it has become one of my most rewarding morning routines. Besides the constant learning factor, I am all the time running into some amazing questions / implementations/ samples that I can put in practice right away.

I have said it before but I will reiterate here:

When presented with a XAF challenge the first thing I do it is a quick search trough the support tickets to see if there is already an implementation that I can adapt to my needs. Most of the time I find something that I can use, but also most of the time I have to actually code it and run it to see if it is exactly what I need it.

If you are like me, you would love to have a visual before getting to deep and realizing I am on the wrong path. I also realize DevExpress receives tons of tickets daily so this is not feasible for them.

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Caribbean Developers Conference 🧨🧨

“He is talking again about conferences. Yeah, Yeah, we know, they are great.”

Well, before you run away, hear me out. This time I have a different point. Yes conferences are great and CDC is one of my favorites but what no one talk about is, they are a lot of work for the organizers.

I had the opportunity to be part of the staff of CDC 2019 and  I have to give a big shout out to the Megsoft team for all their hard work  and for making this event possible.

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