XAF Code Diagnostics
Thursday October 13th 10:00 AM GMT -7
Tentative Agenda:
- Introductions
- Announcements
- XAF Code Diagnostics
- Questions
Relevant Links:
XAF0001: Implement XPO business class constructors correctly
XAF0002: XPO business class properties should not be overridden
XAF0003: XPO business classes should be public
XAF0004: Implement XAF controller constructors correctly
XAF0005: XAF controller classes should be public
XAF0009: Properties decorated with the RuleRequiredFieldAttribute should be of nullable or reference type
XAF0010: Set the DelayedAttribute.UpdateModifiedOnly property to True
XAF0011: Implement the delayed property correctly
XAF0013: Avoid reading the XafApplication.ConnectionString property
XAF0014: The property with the Association attribute must have a correct unique pair
XAF0019: Apply ExplicitLoadingAttribute only to reference properties
XAF0020: Avoid applying NonPersistentAttribute to properties without a public setter
XAF0021: Create new controllers correctly
XAF0022: Avoid using the ShowViewStrategy.ShowView method
XAF0023: Do not implement IObjectSpaceLink in the XPO classes
XAF0024: Do not implement IXafEntityObject in the XPO classes
XAF0007: The Build Action property of the XAFML file must be set to Embedded resource
XAF0008: The current Visual Studio version is not supported or .NET 6.0+ SDK is not installed
XAF0017: Incompatible assemblies must not be added to the same project