BIING20 – Talk about Technical Debt

Last Friday on November 20th I had the chance to talk about Technical Debt in the IV Bienal internacional de Ingenieria de Sistemas event of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia . We discussed what is Technical Debt, several indicators of Technical Debt and ways to minimize them in your software projects. I personally had a great time interacting and providing real world examples to the students of the System engineering program. Thanks to the University of Colombia for the opportunity and everyone keep tuned for a future workshop together.

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Mobile Blazor Binding and Xamarin

Stay tuned for a new tutorial on how to create mobile applications with Blazor. As part of a great initiative of the Xamarin community in Spanish, on December 9 we will be creating a sample project from scratch. If you want to learn more about this event check the link below.

And don’t forget you can switch languages at the top of my blog . Blazor out!

XAFers Community Standup. UI Customizations

Date and Time: November 12th 2020 10:00 am (GMT -7) Arizona Time

XAF’s PM will answer audience questions

.NET Virtual User Group

Seattle, WA
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Are you a .NET developer or interested learning how to build apps across web, mobile, desktop, server and more with .NET? Then you are in the right place! The .NET Virtual Use…

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.NET Conference Italia

Tuesday, Nov 24, 2020, 5:00 AM
2 Attending

Check out this Meetup Group →

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