XAFers Community Standup. Is XAF Blazor Ready for Production?

Date and Time: January 14th 2021 10:00 am (GMT -7) Arizona Time

XAF’s PM will answer audience questions

Tentative Agenda: 

  • Introductions
  • Announcements
  • Known issues
  • Demos
  • Questions

 Topics to highlight

XAF Blazor Server UI – FAQ


XAF – Xamarin & Blazor Examples, 1-Hour Video on Data Access & Performance, Support & Documentation Tips


XAF’s Blazor UI supports Text Notifications in v20.2.5. In the meantime, you can emulate this functionality using one of the following options:


You can also use the old-good solution with UserFriendlyException to display user-friendly messages in the UI.

Tooltips3 good ways to add hints for editors on a form in XAF’s Blazor UI:


Updated concepts on the middle-tier application server, integrated and UI level mode with schemas and API considerations:




In .NET Core/.NET Standard projects, the following design-time functionality is not available (for instance, ViewController or Module designer may throw an error) because of the changes to Visual Studio’s designer architecture:

Module and Application Designers, Controller & Action designers. It is still easy to perform related tasks in code:

XAF’s Blazor Server UI is optimized for desktop and mobile web browsers.

You can test it yourself from your phone: https://demos.devexpress.com/XAF/BlazorDemo/.

If you want native mobile apps on both Android and iOS devices, you’d better use other tools. For instance, we demonstrated how to use XAF’s role-based access control API in a Xamarin Forms app.

Remember, our security API can be used in any .NET app, not just XAF-powered apps. If you have colleagues in need of a robust .NET security API, please share this news.


Hola Jose, utilizamos hace poco xaf blazor para desplegar una consulta de saldos pendientes para socios de una asociación.
Cada socio ingresa con su usuario y visualiza sólo sus saldos pendientes a abonar. Los socios pueden acceder desde su dispositivo móvil para visualizar sus saldos.

Posted in XAF

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