I have been bookmarking tickets from the support center related to XAF Blazor and “in my opinion” that bookmark folder is becoming a golden resources to refer to about every new feature, issue and workaround.
After our last meetup I got a request to share them with the community so here it is. Hope it helps 🙂
On May 18th I had the chance to talk about the Architecture of a Software Company in the V Semana Internacional de Ingenierías event of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia . We also had a Workshop about XAF where we created a LOB application from scratch.
Imagine Cup Junior 2021 provides students aged 13 to 18 the opportunity to learn about technology and how it can be used to positively change the world. The global challenge is focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI), introducing students to AI and Microsoft’s AI for Good initiatives so they can come up with ideas to solve social, cultural and environmental issues. It’s also a great opportunity to encourage students to develop and practice 21st century skills like communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.
And this year I got the honor to participate as a judge:
“Welcome to the Imagine Cup Junior 2021 Final Competition, esteemed judge! We are excited to have you join us for this competition and we are thrilled to send you your judging assignments!“
Qué es Azure SignalR Service? Qué beneficios nos trae? En esta charla nos adentraremos en las caracteristicas y configuraciones de Azure SignalR service y como usarlo para escalar nuestras aplicaciones de Blazor.